Hi from LA.

We’re The Yoberts. Thanks for swinging by and enjoy what you you find!

Goodbye Farewell!

Goodbye Farewell!

Here we are. The day after our farewell shebang. Crying in a corner after craigslist fiends so recklessly purchased all of our furniture when we only listed our couch for sale (but bless them because we had to eventually sell everything before our official Jan 10 MOVING DATE!

Our lil east village apartment is used to hosting the fairly often gathering, but last night took the cake. We'll miss everyone so much, but felt so warm and humbled that everyone came out to send us off! Now starts the less fun part of moving everything from 6+ years of living together across the country! As they say in the midwest, "Oofduh"


I mean, WHO KNEW one could hold onto so much random stuff! We haven't even taken down our Christmas Tree yet!

As we mentioned before, 


 kind of saved our lives throughout this process. You literally take a photo of the item you want to ship on the app, and they come pick it up and send it on it's way (aka, they literally box it up with insurance). It's roughly the exact price that we'd pay at USPS, FedEx, UPS. Thank you SHYP people! Now if only they would have sponsored us and done it all for free! hehe

Currently, we're LA Homeless, but we're going to be staying at 

The Lowe's Santa Monica

Rumor is they'll let Xander stay with us.. not actually a rumor, confirmed with research. More to report soon, I'm sure. For now, we'll be pulling all nighters trying to get everything ready to go! Send dumplings, ramen, pizza. Basically seamless us anything please.

Start Spreading The News

Start Spreading The News

Countdown Los Angeles

Countdown Los Angeles