Hi from LA.

We’re The Yoberts. Thanks for swinging by and enjoy what you you find!

When Do We Stand Up?

When Do We Stand Up?


Remember that time we literally said Wedding Planner Schmedding Planner? Yeah… we get it. We really do. There are so many details to figure out for any wedding already and it seems like a complete extra set of decision to consider for a gay wedding! Let’s run through one example because we’d love to hear what you’d all do. Procession into the ceremony – go! It’s a big deal to us that we come to our marriage as equals and that means questioning everything that feels imbalanced in a traditional wedding, including how you walk in! There are lots of ideas out there on creatively diminishing the whole ‘giving away’ gesture (from straight and same sex couples alike). At the end of the day, we both want it to be a big deal when we walk in. And we don’t want one of us waiting at the ‘alter’ for the other because to us that’ll imply a giving away of sorts. So as we wrap up our Sunday night wedding planning sesh, we thought we’d update you with this dilemma. Some obvious options to us are: Create two aisles Pro: We get to walk in at the same timeCon: People’s attention will be drawn in two directions Walk in one after the other without there being enough time to ‘wait’ at the alter for the other Pro: easier for the attendees to bask in our gloryCon: Still an order thing going on Make a super wide aisle and walk next to each other with, escorted by our moms Pro: Equal, equal, equalCon: How wide are we talking? Like awkward wide? We’d seriously love your ideas. And if you have none, that’s fine too. These are the things that occupy our Sunday nights nowadays.

Breaking In The Tent

Breaking In The Tent

5 Tips for Designing With Your Lover

5 Tips for Designing With Your Lover